Shoutout Colorado 2022 Interview


Nick Ramirez from Shoutout Colorado recently reached out to me for an interview. He has been interviewing inspiring entrepreneurs and creatives and Katharina May, a German artist who I really look up to, recommended he interview me.

I'm grateful for the chance to talk a little bit about my art; my offerings around creativity, research and public health, and; the role of risk in my life and career. I hope you enjoy the article and perhaps find encouragement to take that risk you feel calling you.

See the full article: Meet Karen McPhail-Bell, PhD | Artist, researcher, evaluator, public health consultant.

See more related stories: Risk, reward and life.

I am committed to the role of creativity and its associated tools (including art, research and evaluation) for the health and wellbeing of all. If I can help you and your team with this, or simply be a sounding board, feel free to reach out by contacting me.


The intuitive process that created “My Companion”